Viking Connections: Stephanie Aeschliman

Stephanie Aeschliman teaches AP biology and biology at a charter high school on the west side of Chicago. She was recognized as one of the top 20 teachers in her district in 2019 and has held various teacher leadership positions.
She is a part of Global Glimpse and leads study abroad trips to developing countries for high school students. She also runs an outdoors club for students where she takes students camping and backpacking. She has hosted two student teachers pursuing careers in education.
"Augie taught me to search for my vocation and to live a life of service and balance. As a freshman, I planned to go to medical school, but throughout my years at Augie I learned that this wasn’t the best path for me. Along the way, I participated in the Texas Medical Center internship program, traveled to Nicaragua and did organic chemistry research. I earned my nursing assistant certification, worked in a pharmacy, and shadowed various healthcare professionals. By senior year I was still lost and decided to join Teach for America while I figured out what career path I should pursue. It was an aha moment for me and I have been working in urban education ever since. I love mentoring students and young professionals and have researched/experienced many biology-related careers."
Graduation year: 2012
Post-grad: Master of Science in Teaching from Johns Hopkins School of Education
Major: Biology
Campus activities: Alpha Phi Omega, ACHOO, Biology Club, Martini Swingers, Big Brother Big Sister, Logos Honors Program, Tri Beta, Omicron Delta Kappa.
Best way to contact her: Email