The Three Musketeers
This adaptation by Ken Ludwig is based on the adventure classic by French author Alexandre Dumas. Set in 1625, it recounts the adventures of young d'Artagnan after he leaves home to travel to Paris to join the Musketeers of the Guard.
The Crucible
Augustana presents "The Crucible," Arthur Miller's classic drama about the Salem Witch Trials.
Elegies for Angels, Punks and Raging Queens
This celebration of lives lost to AIDS is told in free verse monologues with a blues, jazz and rock score. It is designed to include the community in a theatrical response to the AIDS crisis.
Children's Show: The Frog and the Princess
Augustana College presents "The Frog and the Princess" by Brandon Roberts as this year's children's show.
Student instrumental recital
The student recital will feature music on piano, violin, cello, bass trombone, flute, trombone and piccolo, with faculty accompanists Sheila Doak, Charles Schmidt and Gail Baldwin.
Men's Wrestling vs. North Central
Augustana will open the dual meet portion of its wrestling season with a home match against defending CCIW champion North Central.
Caitlin Thom rocks the harp
The 2018 music graduate has a full ride to Baylor University, and she is no foreigner to professional gigs, either.
Geology major scouts and wins dream internship
First-year geology major Quintin Powers will be digging for dinosaur fossils this summer. He landed an internship as the National Eagle Scout World Explorer Paleontologist this year.
Family Weekend
Families of Augustana students are invited on campus to spend time with their student from Sept. 21-22.
Men's basketball vs. Wheaton
The men's basketball team will play Wheaton College at home.