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Iowa+ Writing Centers Consortium
Writing centers have long sought to help our clients develop agency by giving them the tools to make more informed choices as readers/writers, but this focus is sometimes at odds with student and faculty expectations. Meanwhile, book bans and restrictions on institutions of higher education — including in Iowa — have attempted to minimize agency by silencing marginalized or dissenting voices. At the same time, the recent proliferation of AI-generated text has myriad implications for authorship and voice.

Augustana receives $6.7 million from Illinois Board of Higher Education
The $6.7 million grant is being used for the Erickson Residence Center renovation. The project, which continues through August 2024, includes a new HVAC system, windows, bathrooms, flooring and storage/cabinets in residence hall rooms.

2024 Francophone Film Festival begins Feb. 20
The annual Francophone Film Festival at Augustana will screen a film each Tuesday from Feb. 20 to March 19. All films are free and open to the public. Films begin at 7 p.m. in the auditorium of the Olin Center on campus.
Heavy Steppas
Founded in 2019 by alumnus Andrew Leon-Sanchez '23, our mission to break down racial barriers, create an inclusive community within the group, and educate the campus and surrounding community on the culture and history of the art form of step. We create an environment that allows members to enhance their dancing experience, leadership, teamwork with one another, and hold equal collaboration of members with greatest value. We commit to provide community service, education, diversity, equity and inclusion through this organization.

Students create amazing snow sculptures for contest
Students braved sub-zero wind chills for the 2024 Winter Wonderland Competition. The contest featured 23 entries, with judging criteria centered on the creativity and quality of the sculpture.
Hanson Hall closed
Hanson Hall of Science is closed for use until further notice due to weather related water issues. Alternative classroom assignments have been communicated to faculty.
Enter the SAGA magazine cover contest by March 20
Would you like to see your artwork printed on the cover of a magazine? SAGA Art and Literary Magazine, Augustana's student-run art and literary publication, is looking for cover submissions!

Dr. John Hildreth receives ‘I Have A Dream’ Award
Dr. John Hildreth had no idea he was going to be honored at the Martin Luther King, Jr., Community Center’s 41st annual Memorial Service and Award Ceremony.