Class of 2024 taco party
Complimentary tacos (veg., gf.) and rice and beans will be served. We're also serving up delicious agua fresca! The taco party will take place in the Lindberg Center.
Sponsored by the Office of Alumni Engagement.
Class of 2024 "A" photo
This photo will be taken in the shape of the Augie "A." It's a tradition for first-year students to gather on the football field to get their class photo taken, but because of the pandemic, we weren't able to take the class photo.
Geography Department 75th Anniversary
Augustana College will celebrate the 75th anniversary of its geography department April 26-27, with alumni from the Quad-Cities and across the country returning to mark the occasion.
Geography Department 75th Anniversary
Augustana College will celebrate the 75th anniversary of its geography department April 26-27, with alumni from the Quad-Cities and across the country returning to mark the occasion.
Juniors selected for Texas Medical Center summer research internship
Selected students will take part in the paid, full-time, 10-week experience at the Texas Medical Center in Houston this summer.
Augie Acres planting party rescheduled for May 4-5
Join the Augustana Local Agriculture Society at Augie Acres (3219-3221 6th Ave., Rock Island) on Saturday, May 4 (10 a.m.-12 p.m.) and Sunday, May 5 (1-3 p.m.) for a planting party! The group will do spring planting in the main plot and raised beds and will continue landscaping the garden. No experience is required to help.
Presentation: 'Better Sleep with Technology'
Lack of sleep is one of the most common issues facing college students. Not getting enough sleep can lead to illness, poor mental health, higher levels of stress and loss of motivation. Join Allison from Counseling Services as she shares how to use technology to get better sleep!
Diversity Week activities, April 21-28
April is Celebrate Diversity Month. The Office of Student Inclusion and Diversity is leading Augustana's annual Diversity Week on April 21-28. This year's theme is Unity in Diversity.
Take Back the Night rally
Take Back The Night is a campus-wide event that is held to advocate for survivors and bring awareness of on-campus sexual assault. Sponsored by the Office of Sexual Assault Prevention Education.
Diversity Celebration
Join us for a campus-wide event to celebrate diversity and community at Augustana. There will be a live DJ, free food served, activities, prizes and a diversity fair.
This event, which is sponsored by Office of Student Inclusion and Diversity, is part of Diversity Week at Augustana.