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Illusion and Magic — Joseph Tran

The multicultural programming board invites all students to see and experience Joseph Tran.

Joseph Tran is a magician, illusionist, and comedian that has toured all over the country and the world with his multiple talents. 

Movie night — 'Yesterday'

The Office of Student Life invites all students to a screening of "Yesterday", a romantic drama that follows the writer of the beloved Beatles songs.


Movie night — 'Yesterday'

The Office of Student Life invites all students to a screening of "Yesterday", a romantic drama that follows the writer of the beloved Beatles songs.

There will be a repeat screening at 10 p.m.

Movie night — 'Yesterday'

The Office of Student Life invites all students to a screening of "Yesterday", a romantic drama that follows the writer of the beloved Beatles songs.

There will be a repeat screening on Friday, Nov. 8, at 7 and 10 p.m.

Student Recital-Jeana Brown, cello

Jeana Brown will be performing in a student recital on the cello.

Brown is a senior from West Chicago majoring in instrumental music education.

Student Government Association blood drive

The Student Government Association will sponsor its second blood drive of the year from 10 a.m.-3 p.m.

Food will be provided throughout the day and donors will get a T-shirt.

Soul Food Dinner

The Black Student Union will host its annual Soul Food Dinner from 5-8 p.m., a night of socializing, food and entertainment!


Penguin Project: 'The Lion King Jr.'

All performances of the Penguin Project's "The Lion King Jr." are sold out.

Penguin Project: 'The Lion King Jr.'

All performances of the Penguin Project's "The Lion King Jr." are sold out.

Penguin Project: 'The Lion King Jr.'

All performances of the Penguin Project's "The Lion King Jr." are sold out. However, a simulcast will be offered Jan. 25-26.

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